8. Teil verschiedene Yoga Stile: Jivamukti*Part 8 of different Yoga-styles: Jivamukti*

Das Jivamukti Yoga ist eine Yoga-Variante, die die physischen, philosophischen und spirituellen Aspekte des Yoga vereint. Jivamutki besteht aus physischen Übungen (Asana), Atemübungen (Pranayama), Meditation (Dhyana) und Entspannung (Savasana). Weiter gehören dazu gesunde Ernährung und positives Denken. Yoga mobilisiert den Körper, setzt Energie frei und beruhigt den Geist.

*Jivamukti is a variant of Yoga which unites the physical, philosophical and spiritual aspects of Yoga within itself. Jivamukti consists of physical exercises (Asana), breathing exercises (Pranayama), meditation (Dhyana) and relaxation (Savasana). Furthermore, Jivamukti includes a healthy diet and positive thinking. Yoga boosts the body, mobilises energy and calms the mind.*

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7. Teil verschiedene Yoga Stile: Yin Yoga*Part 7: Different kinds of Yoga:Yin Yoga*

*Yin Yoga postures are more passive postures, mainly on the floor and the majority of postures equal only about three dozen or so, much less than the more popular yang like practices. Yin Yoga is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscle and move closer to the bone. Yin Yoga offers a much deeper access to the body. It is not uncommon to see postures held for three to five minutes, even 20 minutes at a time. The time spent in these postures is much like time spent in meditation, and the teacher often talks the students through the postures as if they were trying to meditate. *

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2. Teil weiterer Yoga-Stil: Tri Yoga

Yogini Kali Ray (Kaliji) ist Begründerin von TriYoga® , der Kunst und Wissen-schaft von Yogaflow™.

TriYoga´s fließende Sequenzen vereinigen prānāyāma und mudrās mit dynamischen und gehaltenen āsānas, um den Fluss der Lebensenergie zu erhöhen. Kaliji hat das Hatha Yoga bestehend aus āsāna, prānāyāma und dhāranā vollständig systematisiert, angefangen von Basics bis zu Level 7.

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